Why is Change so Hard?

Let’s answer this off the bat and examine it, why is change so hard, because we live the past and where the mind goes the body follows. 

After watching Dr. Joe Dispenza’s program, Rewired, I was reminded that the 50,000 plus thoughts we have a day are 90% of yesterdays.  Our thoughts lead to choices to behavior to experience to emotion; leading right back to thought.  If we’re over the age of 35 we are living a predictable subconscious routine or habit.  Just think of the way you shower, how you like your dinner, and the familiar places you frequent in a week. 

In 1949 Dr. Donald Hebb purposed that neurons that fire together wire together.  Most of us can relate in an activity or job we were not proficient to begin but over time this bond became robust in our mind through repeated thought and action, becoming strong, and thus had us becoming talented.  If we apply this to our real world experiences once we’ve reached adulthood, we can begin to see the pattern.  How we think, affects how we act and then feel. This defines our personality and our reality through a hard wiring of thoughts to the body.

If we realize the fact that only 5% of our consciousness of logic and reasoning is up against 95% of subconscious mind of triggers, routines, and rewards; we have a fighting chance to change.  As Dr. Joe says, “If you ask someone why they are you upset or why are you this way,” they’ll respond, I’m so and so because this person, event, or circumstance happened such and such a time ago.  And what they are really telling you is these events have control on how they are feeling and thinking; trapped in a victim reality that they are conditioned for, familiarity of the past, how they self-identify. 

So how can one step out of their comfort zone and grow with change and uncertainty?  Because as you head that way the bashing starts in your mind, who am I do to do this, I never was good at that, and you’ll never get there like the others.  First, I reminded of author, Michael Singer, discovering for himself, “I realized I wasn’t just the thoughts in my head but the one who hears them.”  Our self-identity is not just our clothes, job, relationship status, education, home, or even our thoughts.  But the pattern of yesterday is forcing us to live in the past, what’s comfortable; trigger, routine, and reward. Secondly, everyone has conquered change in the past, such as a new school or job.  I used to pitch that same logic to new folks joining the gym and it would set them at ease because that was familiar for them.  But how do we wire that up after years of habits?

When the Law of Attraction was presented to the masses in the book, The Secret, which included one of my favorite authors, Jack Canfield, I worked it hard but had little impact.  The missing ingredient as Dr. Joe pointed out was my body was not with my mind, I couldn’t feel what it would be like to live in so much abundance of wealth, health, and love.  I was conditioned to what was familiar and avoiding pain and seeking pleasure.  This was me, living in past, thinking new thoughts, but never having it resonate with my body. 

On my first trip to Las Vegas with friends, staying with friends, on New Year’s Day I made it to the D Casino solo for the Rose Bowl and ended up sitting next to Jeff, a VP there, and he said to me, “Stu, there’s no need for rear views.”  To think of the time past thoughts have occupied my mind and resulted in emotion and hear it so simple from a stranger is something I won’t forget. 

If one can replace thoughts and emotions of the past, instead living in the future or for arguments sake, a parallel universe, we can condition the body to feel the change before it happens.  You can always feel before you understand.  Your mind doesn’t understand the difference from a live event in the physical and the day dreaming you do.  I’ll refer to a study conducted by Dr. Biasiotto (spelling corrected 8/4/14) at the University of Chicago of 3 groups trying to get better at shooting free throws.  The first group did it physically every day for an hour for 30 days, the 2nd group visualized, and the 3rd group did nothing.  The results, the 1st group improved 24%, the 2nd 23%, and the 3rd no improvement. 

Let’s look at ourselves as laptops who need software updates because we’re running too much on how sweet we used to be or the present has us tripping; please update me.  Please update me through the conditions and time because I understand my thoughts create my reality as long as I hold and feel the vision.  Every house, building, or road was imagined and brought into the physical through feeling and thought.  If the mind and body flow from the same faucet let me use both hot and cold.  Let me find what I seek through uncertainty and trust that I am the master of my destiny through times, conditions, and tribulations, because my future could be mine or theirs; but I believe we all hold an awesome power to create, so paint, write, skate, pump, or whatever you do.  We’re all experts at something.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

― Barack Obama