Scrolling through the news I’m often drawn to articles about traits of successful people in business, relationships, or spiritual, they usually catch my eye with 7, 10, or 5 homerun hitters that are the foundation of achieving the discipline. Yesterday my best friend said he almost died in a car accident. Since he wasn’t in …
Craving more than my average Netflix search could provide, I asked You Tube for inspirational stories. I was presented with the ‘watermelon’ lesson, Tony Robins, and Dr. Joe Dispenza for 45 minutes. It still shocks me when I hear the lessons repeated and I am reminded like a slap in the face that stings. Thinking …
Let’s answer this off the bat and examine it, why is change so hard, because we live the past and where the mind goes the body follows. After watching Dr. Joe Dispenza’s program, Rewired, I was reminded that the 50,000 plus thoughts we have a day are 90% of yesterdays. Our thoughts lead to choices …