Self-Identification, An Ah-Ha Moment

Every night when I retire to rest I listen to podcasts, usually some spiritual, conspiracy, or interviews.  The other night on two separate shows, of different categories, self-identity was mentioned.  It had never dawned on me how much influence my self-identification has had on my thoughts and so in turn; effecting my emotions and actions.  On Election Day, a friend mentioned, “As a white male, there wasn’t too much effecting me at the polls, but I’m pro marijuana.”  This was the last time I heard someone say out loud their mirror of self-identification and these podcasts got me reexamining my own complexion. 

To begin with, I don’t even think most of the time I’m aware my self-conception is guiding me.  I don’t say to myself I’m a male, a white male; single, 40 yrs. old, with this much education, and this job.  Seems strange to state the obvious to myself but I’ve come to realization that this is in fact going on.  It plays on a loop when I have to defend against myself or others, when I express an opinion, and even when I listen. 

This was an amazing Ah-Ha moment!  I’ve come to understand the different layers that I’m made up of and to not give one layer so much power as to make me self-identify only as human being named Steven.  The Law of One is something I hold dearly and from a scientific stance we all come from stardust.  But, as we are taught, we learn our role and forget we are energy, consciousness, awareness; having a human experience in the physical, 4% of the known universe.   

Let’s examine what’s behind self-identification, the Infinite “I”.  Think of all the self-talk that starts with I, I’m poor, I feel sick, I hate my life, I’m awesome, I’m rich, or I’m in love.  Conservatively, humans have 30,000 thoughts a day.  How many of those, start with I?  There’s a power in the mantra of  “I” and we don’t even realize we’re doing it!  When a mantra is even spoken aloud to a group of friends most will tune out immediately because they DON’T identify with “self-help” mantras.  But just earlier, and we think we can all agree, we do the mantra of “I” often, very often, never skipping a day; isn’t this amazing?

Now, let’s go down the rabbit hole.  The infinite “I” is such an all-powerful, persuasive, dynamic force I believe it is being used against us to divide our oneness.  Let’s just delve into the last 4 years.  People in the US are self-identifying too much as Trumpers, Never Trumpers, Woke, Liberals, Proud Boys, Me Too, BLM, Blue Lives Matter, Rural, Urban, Boomers, Millennials, Covid Infected or at Risk, In School or Out, Employed or Not, Christian, Jew, or Muslim.  On Halloween I chatted up a pretty young lady in a witch costume, within 5 minutes she identified as a Trumper and let her “I” be heard.  The same could be said for my mechanic who has a beautiful wood “Trump” engraving on the counter.  Now this goes both ways, but it’s an easy example of how “I” is dividing us.  Suffice to say, I was turned off in both instances with others inability to identify me, as them. 

Instead, they go down the list, (Race, gender, education, political, etc..) subdividing further and further, until there vision is a distorted widescreen. 

Michael Singer, is the author of, The Surrender Experiment, and in it he explains his Ah-Ha moment.  While sitting on the couch with his brother in-law, he could not think of any topic to discuss.  Topics of the weather or politics swirled but nothing came out.  It was at this moment he realized he wasn’t just the voices in his head, but he was the one hearing them.  It’s within this “step back” that one finds true self-identification and comprehends quantum consecutiveness.  You don’t yell at your broken hand, “Hey, hurry up and heal,”  your body, mind, and life essence are already connected to divine intelligence, you, and everyone else. 

I believe in order to bring about the best experience on Earth, we all need to identify as Humanity First.  Instead of looking at a person’s physical characteristics could we look at them in the quantum field or at the very least imagine?  There is only one Periodic Table in this dimension, hence aren’t then we all coded the same?  And what lies in all the junk DNA scientists can’t explain? 

So many questions, reminds me of another book, Many Lives, Many Masters.  To come back to our birthright, (A Christian would identify with Adam, Eve, and paradise) we must unlearn what we have learned.  I once read, that men are in fact gods, not the God.  To have true freedom and be able to express our divine spark, painting a blank canvass and creating is our Destiny.  How could it not if we all come from God, Source, or the Big Bang?  What hinders our Utopia is the “I” of ego, personality, and character.  It’s misunderstood and abused.  If we heard the self-chat of our worst enemy, it would be twice as bad as our comments.  The whole reason those comments are happening in the first place, self-identifying as Trump’s worst nightmare, being labeled a Loser, failure, or unworthy.  And it all starts with “I”.

I remain hopeful, “I” will be able to step back from the war for my thoughts and upload to quantum with a self-identity, of infinite universal energy; currently in a different state.  I could be rain, sleet, or snow, but I always deliver.