Cavaliers Get BIG

Andre Drummond is coming to Cleveland?  Koby Altman, Cavs GM, pulled the trigger on February 6 at the NBA trade deadline for the Detroit Center; all 6 10’ and 279lbs. of him.   Who saw this coming?  Maybe our new Browns Head Coach, with his father’s connection in the Detroit Pistons front office?  Watching the Cavs …

A Complete FAILURE, Iowa!

February 3rd, Monday, held hopes of the nation learning the outcome of the Democratic Primary’s first vote/caucus, it started with a jam-packed 29 candidates last summer; one day after Phil predicted an early spring, the public would cringe with frost bite, with no clear indication of a winner on the road to New Hampshire.  No …

Save the Republic, Vote

February 2, 2020, Groundhog Day, will be staring Punxsutawney Phil, internationally known weatherman, but Monday, February 3, who will star in the Iowa Caucus for the Democrats and cast a shadow?  Placing in Iowa is a difficult task; considering a candidate must poll at 15% in the gym, church, café, or library caucus locations in …

Browns Hire a New Coach

Let the ass slapping commence The last head coaching position in the NFL was filled out of headquarters in Berea, home of the troublesome Cleveland Browns.  An outpost, most tendered coaches avoid, due to its constant turnover.  Owners, Dee and Jimmy Haslam, pulled the trigger on offensive coordinator, Kevin Stefanski, of the Vikings, after doing …