A world without sports …

The last NBA game was played on March 11.  The next day, Spring Training was canceled.  Three months later, hope swirls in the empty worlds of ESPN and FS1, based on preliminary talks of a NBA tournament in Orlando with the commissioner inviting 22 teams.  These teams and staff would be essentially quarantined in O-town …

Bitcoin Halving in May

Bitcoin, the first crypto currency, created by Satoshi Nakamoto, was released in 2009 as a social and economic experiment.  The beauty of the blockchain, (An open ledger) is its simplicity to follow commands, transparency, and reward, in coins, for mining (Running the ledger).  When Satoshi invented Bitcoin he put a limit of 21 million coins, …

Cavaliers Get BIG

Andre Drummond is coming to Cleveland?  Koby Altman, Cavs GM, pulled the trigger on February 6 at the NBA trade deadline for the Detroit Center; all 6 10’ and 279lbs. of him.   Who saw this coming?  Maybe our new Browns Head Coach, with his father’s connection in the Detroit Pistons front office?  Watching the Cavs …