February 3rd, Monday, held hopes of the nation learning the outcome of the Democratic Primary’s first vote/caucus, it started with a jam-packed 29 candidates last summer; one day after Phil predicted an early spring, the public would cringe with frost bite, with no clear indication of a winner on the road to New Hampshire. No results were available by bedtime and we figured in the morning numbers would be released but, no. “Dems right now can’t even stand in a gymnasium and count how many people move under each sign. These are the people who want to be put in charge of our healthcare,” said Senator Cruz. The DNC dropped the ball! They called a Chris Webber time out, when none existed. Faith in our Republic was lost. I can hear Trump boasting, “It’s rigged!”
Let’s be clear, caucuses are messy, but come on. By 5 o’clock Tuesday, we had only 60% reported. The new voting app was to blame, in addition, to the help hotline being overloaded. There were discrepancies reported by the New York Times, where fringe candidates Steyer and Patrick received major support in alignment 1; only to get zero votes in alignment 2. On the contrary Warren received little support in alignment 1 and found herself with the majority in alignment 2, in Indianola’s second precinct, Warren County. Those numbers don’t add up.
On Saturday, February 1, the candidates, media, and public anticipated the Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom poll, which has called the winner since 1988, but no, “Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.” All kinds of assumptions were being presented; true, fake, fake, news. The official story from De Moine Register executive editor, Carol Hunter, said in a statement, “Today, a respondent raised an issue with the way the survey was administered, which could have compromised the results of the poll. It appears a candidate’s name was omitted in at least one interview in which the respondent was asked to name their preferred candidate.” Carol continues, “While this appears to be isolated to one surveyor,” really, one person and the integrity of the poll is thrown out the window? Mayor Pete was the candidate crying foul and pressuring the suppression of the momentum poll that saw Obama catapult in 2008. Who gave Buttigieg a challenge flag?
This debacle stinks of establishment politics, old guard type; holding keys and blocking bridges. I will point blame at those that can’t hack it in between the political lines and are convinced in their demise, so they pull a wild, back pocket, spade; Yahtzee. Polls are comprised, votes can’t be counted, 170k of them, on pace with 2016. Sorry DNC, Iowa did not reach the 240k turnout of Obama, 2008, and Iowa is now an after-thought, inconsequential. Mayor Pete and Sanders have both declared victory as best they could, by their gut and gusto. What a sad story for all the volunteers, campaign staffers, and residents of Iowa in the month hearts are supposed to be loved and open. Instead, the labor of man hours, not to mention the money spent, (68.4 million in TV) gone, heartbroken, the day after the Super Bowl, center stage for the nation, with a State of the Union and acquittal on the board; they failed, or did they?
One candidate avoided a humiliating first round knock-out, Sleepy Joe and the “No Malarkey,” bus tour. The polls that were released, eventually, had Biden in 4th with 13%. It’s hard to trust 100% these results were correct, considering Biden said, “Gut punch,” “I expected to do better,” but I believe them to be in the ballpark. Although the former VP was struck, he side stepped the flying knee, thanks too, the blundering DNC? Mr. Biden, 77 years old, avoided embarrassing media coverage, thank God! Have you seen some of the clips when he’s irritated? “You’re a Damn Liar,” he shouts, on a You Tube clip to an Iowa voter questioning his son’s involvement in Ukraine. Sleepy Joe, is out of his comma and challenge’s the man, “Let’s do push-ups together, let’s run.” To be fair, the voter said he saw it on MSNBC, “The hell I did,” and then said, “You got no backbone,” them’s fighting words! It’s been transparent since Joe entered the race he was ordained the champ, by the establishment, anything to beat Trump. Biden’s high support in the African-American community has been touted over Mayor Pete’s nonexistence connection, ride those Obama tail winds. Fact is the majority don’t want old school “Malarkey,” from an old man who’s been at the helm since 1973 directing, shaping, and maintaining the status quo. But can the Democratic wing, that is, the Clinton’s, accept a Bernie Sanders nomination?
Short answer, No! On January 23, The Hollywood Reporter released an interview with the former Secretary of State, in launch of her Hulu documentary. The reporter, Lacey Rose, hits hard, “In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” Rose, drawing a line in the sand, then asks, “That assessment still hold?” Without any explanation, the Secretary responded, “Yes, it does.” Bernie will always have the (I) next to his name, he doesn’t have big business obligations of the establishment. The nomination is not going be easy.
What will be easy is the President’s reelection if Democrats continue down this path. Mr. Trump has victories in impeachment, trade deals, terrorist assassinations, border wall construction, (Not paid by Mexico) and nobody has the guts in the GOP to challenge him, well Mitt Romney, he is like Iowa, insignificant. Now the President can scream, “Witch Hunt,” from top of his lungs, “Rigged,” and boast an economy with growth to corporate interests with impunity. While the leading candidate for the Democrats can’t get backing, hell, they can’t even decide the vote count, or if a poll should be released.
The debate on Friday held no interest for me. I anticipated the
same friendly banter, with no one person standing out, feeling let down. From what I read that’s what happened, what’s
the point when some candidates still can’t get time to speak; the one of color,
even when the big moments of the debate where about such issues. These events
are historic! They should be enjoyed,
playing at the highest level of levels, with wit, humor, body language, stand
out quotes, and overall connection; winning the audience. One of these 7 on stage need to make a big PR
splash, the race feels open, after the preseason; that was Iowa.
Bill Mahr, host of Real Time, talked with Steve Bannon Friday, admitting, “Your boy had his best week.” Bill was upset and Mr. Bannon ranted at times, but the fact they get together, on HBO, is welcoming. After, the nonsense that claimed to be an impeachment, with no witness testimony, forced the Speaker of the House to tear the President’s speech up at the State of the Union, it’s clear the Democrats are raddled. The ammo they supplied to the “Donald” this week, was shift a in the front lines. But, the Democrats have the opportunity to go on the offensive this Tuesday and pull Trump voters in New Hampshire. With the state’s reputation for Independents, Libertarians, Green, and swing Republicans, two candidates have leverage that makes the Trump voter cross over. Those two are Sanders and Yang. If the Left is serious about defeating Mr. Trump in the Fall, it’s simple math.
I can feel the Bern coming on strong in New Hampshire. He should take over 30% of the vote. Biden should run to South Carolina after saying, “This is a long race and I took a hit in Iowa and I’ll probably take a hit here.” Warren’s expectations are high; she needs to place in 2nd to get some traction. Mayor Pete falls back to Earth like Rick Santorum (R), Iowa winner 2012. Amy, Andrew, and Bloomberg fight around the same level. I hope to see higher voter turnout then 2016’s, 250,974. My expectations are high after the failure that was Iowa. I believe citizens who declare proudly on their license plates, “Live Free or Die,” will set an example Tuesday.